
Wednesday, 4 May 2016


The study of literature is a hugely rewarding experience, whatever area you’re interested in. Getting stuck in a good books, reciting our favourite poetry or composing our own verses, is a fantastic way to spend our time.
For those who have a love of literature but regret never taking the opportunity to explore it from an academic aspect, the following courses will interest you.
From top universities and renowned authors across the world, the following literature courses are available for you to take, wherever you are, and at no expense.
60 Free Literature Courses from Universities
60 Free Literature Courses from Universities

American Literature I: Beginnings to Civil War – NYU

Approaching Shakespeare – Oxford University

British and American Poetry: 1900 to the Present – UC Berkeley

Cervantes’ Don Quixote – Yale

Contemporary Literature – IIT Madras

Creative Reading – Part 1  Part 2 – Naropa University

Creative Writing: A Master Class – Alison Ersheid

Cultural Studies – IIT Guwahati

Dante in Translation – Yale

Darwin and Design – MIT

D.H. Lawrence – Oxford University

Epics of Rome – LaTrobe University

Existentialism in Literature & Film – UC Berkeley

Faeirie and Fantasy – Washington College

Fiction for Young Adults – La Trobe University

From Gods and Back – UC Berkeley

Genres in Children’s Literature – David Beagley, La Trobe University

George Eliot – Oxford University

Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner – Yale

History of Children’s Literature – La Trobe University

Holocaust in Film and Literature – UCLA

Introduction to Literature and the Environment – Princeton

Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture – UC Berkeley

Introduction to Poetry – Missouri State

Introduction to Pre-Modern Japanese Literature and Culture – UC Berkeley

Introduction to Theory of Literature – Yale

Invitation to World Literature – Harvard

Literature and Form – Oxford

Literature and Psychoanalysis – University of Warwick

Literature in English: Late-17th to Mid-19th Century – UC Berkeley

Milton – Yale

Lord of the Rings I: The Road Goes Ever On – Washington College

Lord of the Rings II: The Two Towers – Washington College

Lord of the Rings III: Return of the King – Washington College

Modern Poetry – Yale

Not Shakespeare: Elizabethan and Jacobean Popular Theatre – Oxford University

Old English in Context – Oxford University

Oscar Wilde – Oxford University

Post Colonial Literature for Children – La Trobe University

Romanticism – UC Davis

Science Fiction and Politics – Emory University

Shakespeare – UC Berkeley

Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays – Harvard

Shakespeare’s Principal Plays – University of Michigan

Spenser and Milton – Brandeis

The American Novel Since 1945 – Yale

The Bible and English Literature – U. of Toronto

The Epic – UC Berkeley

The Heroic Quest – Missouri State

The Hobbit – Washington College

The Literature of Crisis – Stanford

The Silmarillion Seminar – Washington College

Tolkien – Washington College

Tolkien’s The Book of Lost Tales: Part 1 –Signum University

Tolkien’s The Book of Lost Tales: Part 2 – Signum University

Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth – Signum University

Undergraduate Tolkien Survey – Washington College

Virgil’s AeneidStanford

Voices & Visions: The Lives & Works of 13 American Poets – Annenberg Media

Watership Down – Signum University

Article source: http://betteryourselfonline.com/free-literature-courses-universities/

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